

bike·pack·ing (verb). Definition: The coffee-fuelled action of pedalling between camping locations with personal belongings precariously strapped to a bicycle frame. Used in a sentence: “Andy please stop talking about your bikepacking adventure, I have to work”.

Colorful Culture, Mountain Landscapes, and Trekking in Nepal

Colorful Culture, Mountain Landscapes, and Trekking in Nepal

“N.E.P.A.L: Never Ending Peace And Love” — the unofficial slogan for Nepal sits baking in the sun, carefully hand-painted onto the side of a small yellow taxi, its passengers unloading hiking packs from the roof. Some of the highest mountains in the world form a rock and snow panorama to the North. To the South, rolling forested hills dotted with small villages, terraced rice fields, and fast-flowing rivers fed from Himalayan glaciers.

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